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Draconian Culture


The Outcasts

From the moment we hatch from our eggs to our twilight years, we are always reminded by the other races that we are the defeated, we do not deserve the same rights, we are not equal to the warmbloods of this world. It is often hard to remind ourselves that our people have a glorious history not only on the battlefields of the ancient red mountains or the ashplains of Trashttet but also culturally and politically. Today the only reminder of our rich heritage is our unique draconic

tongue, spoken now only by our elders and scholars. My life’s work has led me to write this text so that the true story of the draconian people is not lost and maybe one day we may take pride in our ancestry once again.


The draconian people today are but a shadow of what they once were. In modern times we are confined to the darkest reaches of the warmblood cities or the deepest hollows of the forests and mountains that dot the landscape of Rheanor. From the shining lights of Lumal to the slave markets of Emry Ryme. From the tundras of Blim’Birr to the scorching sands of Hajjaw. From the lowest steps of Aqtzi to the sprawling forests of Min’Norar Alda. The draconians live in squalor and torment, all this stemming from the centuries-old dragon-wars. 2500 years ago a coalition of warmbloods was formed to eradicate our Dragon overlords and creators of our race. Already then they had a hatred for our people who fought valiantly to defend the sanctity of our homelands. After about two decades of fighting, it took the intervention and destruction of the warmbloods' pitiful god, Lumen and his champion to defeat the Dragons. They split the earth, sinking the Ashplains deep underground along with the Dragons themselves and sealing them away. The subject of the ancient Dragon cult is one for another text, though I will say since the Dragons were banished, we have lost our connection to the divine, leaving us spiritually powerless. This was done on purpose so we may not rise up and demand our freedom and lands again.


With the brief history of how the Draconian race came to be in the situation we are in now, it is important to outline the modern relationship we hold with the warmbloods. Without a home of our own, some might reason that letting the draconians live in their cities is a gesture of goodwill and charity. In reality, it is only to benefit them economically that we are allowed to reside with them. As is obvious when strolling through one of the poor districts of a city, a large number of residents will be of draconian origin. It is not a coincidence as the worst paying jobs are only offered to the coldbloods, not estimated as capable or trustworthy enough to work in higher paying environments. As is the case with any race, a very small minority of draconians have also decided to take up banditry as a profession. This is not new and all races partake in such illegal and morally corrupt exercises but the dragonkin are saddled with the bad reputation that comes with it, while the other races tend to contend with the issue bandits cause on a case-by-case basis. One bad apple spoils the bunch as they say. Adding to this is the desert of security services in the areas the draconians live causing crime rates to rise and adding to their poor reputation.


Not all draconians are, however, destined to be stuck in the slums of the cities. Some join or become heads of mercenary groups, renowned for their strong hides and sword arms. They are valuable members of these groups. Though rare for one of us to make it far up the social ladder, living with the mercenaries offers an opportunity to get away from the everyday discrimination we face trying to fit in with the city people.


Another particularity of the Draconians is how fervently they hang on to their own ways, even while encircled by the other races. They continue to develop their own cuisine which includes dishes such as Gruish, Beef Salzari and Ashland Lamb. Roots of the Draconic language can still be found in names and naming conventions which often borrow from the perceptive harshness of the language on fragile coldblood ears.


It is refreshing to see, however, that the draconian people are tightly knit. The slums often become close communities despite the conditions. The draconians, though, dream of days when they may return to the Ashplains, and are content with the status quo. At least they are not being actively hunted and persecuted. Optimism is high among them and they are proud of their heritage. For my part, I will continue to spread the stories and history of the race until I must return to the skies and finally rest.

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