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Dwarven Culture


Forged of Stone and Clay

In rolling hills, mountain valleys and under earth. These are where the Dwarves make their homes. Where their forges boil and their brews bubble. Deep within their ancient halls they tinker, craft and most importantly they perfect. Furthermore the Dwarves are some of the most joyous but honour bound people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. 

The history of the Dwarves is an ancient one. It is said that their

god Balor, took the very earth itself, moulding it in his likeness and breathed life into it. Creating the Dwarves, the first of the mortal races. Though this remains a hotly disputed claim between both the Dwarves and the Elves. Founding one of the oldest rivalries in history.


 From their very birth the Dwarves were tasked with a sacred duty and honour to destroy darkness and evil wherever they might find it.  Their god Balor led them deep within the earth to root out the very core of evil in the world. On this great crusade they settled and grew accustomed to life within the deep. When Balor finished his great crusade they chose to stay within their great holds and deep caverns they knew as home. 


From their early life of warfare the dwarves became masters in craft and engineering. From great weapons and the strongest of armors, to great tools of warfare never before seen. A dwarven crafter is rarely second best. For the dwarves believe someone is only as good as the things they make. Should their craft be shoddy then so too is their character. But something strong and dependable then surely their creator can be judged just as well. To the Dwarves finding a skill is the same as finding a purpose. From smithing, tinkering, brewing and surprisingly even farming, any skill a Dwarf may possess is an integral part of that Dwarves life. 


While often portrayed as a serious and stiff bunch. When it comes to celebration and times of fun I don’t believe any can compete with the Dwarves. While it is true that talking business and serious affairs with a dwarf can be very dry and very official affairs with little space for enjoyment. When the work day is done and the tavern is bustling, then the signing is booming and the ale is flowing endlessly.


One word of warning when dealing with a Dwarf. Pay respect to their clan or you might be on the business end of their fist. The Dwarven clans are a complicated but very important part of their lives. A clan can be something as simple as a direct family. To something as wide and vague as a large company. Dwarves can tend to identify with several clans depending on their family, to where they work, or even what hold they live in. 


The faith of the Dwarves is one rooted in respect and honouring of what was. They remember those that fought alongside Balor during his great crusade. They tell the tales of their lost family members, their good deeds or how great they were in their craft. Their belief stands at the very core of why a Dwarf acts the way they do. At the end of the day nothing they do is for themselves. But rather for the tale. For the endless story they tell. For the hope that when they are gone a small piece of them will remain alive in the voice of their brethren. 

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