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The Legend of Dynamis


The Last Stand

“There, amidst the chaos and despair, a single mortal stood in defiance to fate. A beacon of hope and inspiration, that through sheer power of will, we may overcome any adversity.” - Citizen of Rhaenor

The fall of Rhaenor to the blight

was one of the bleakest moments in recent time. Countless lives were lost, records of  history forever lost to time, many bonds were severed and some even experienced fates worse than death. Yet, in the darkest of nights, the light shines brightest. This is where the legend of Dynamis originates. It is by many considered to be a simple story to inspire hope in those who’s spirit had waned  by the recent events, while some believe it to be an event that occurred in reality. There are various reports from people who claim to have seen Dyamis first hand, but, there being no traces of Dynamis leaves everyone to their own speculations of the events.  There are many versions of the story, in some stories, Dynamis is not a he, but rather a she. In other stories, it’s not a living being, but rather a spirit. We will only present the most popular version of the story, as spending time covering every iteration of the story would take more time and pages than it is necessary.  The story goes like this:


“Rhaenor was a thriving continent, full of life, beauty and history, yet, like anything else in life, the peace maintained within Rhaenor would not last. A foe unlike any other would wreak havoc all across the continent, The Blight. The creatures of eldritch origin would corrupt and consume all life it came across. The many armies within Rhaenor valiantly attempted to fend them off, yet to no avail. They were rapidly pushed against a corner, and were only left with the option to flee the continent if there was to be any hope of survival for those living in Rhaenor. The blight was fast and vicious, and would certainly not allow anyone escape their malice. When the blight was at its deadliest and most aggressive, the remaining groups of ships attempted to escape from the blight’s grasp. It became increasingly clear that they would not have time to escape, and the demons and other creatures would reach them before they’d get a chance to flee. However, at the eleventh hour a man would blast from the sky at speeds that no mere mortal was capable of achieving, landing and forming a crater which sent shockwaves that changed even the movement of the waves. Once the dust cleared from around him, a soldier clad in iron armor would stand face to face against the army of demons that had been slowly growing in size. There, he would grip his spear and shield, scream to the skies and charge forward. His spear tore through the dozens of demons like they were paper, and his shield would shatter the frontlines. However, his dominance would not remain, as the man would begin to tire, and the demons would not stop their relentless onslaught. The many creatures from the blight would finally manage to overwhelm him and deliver a magnitude of blows that would have any other person dead in mere seconds. Yet, it was no mere mortal that the demons were against. Time and time again the demons would strike him down, and time and time again he would get back up and charge forward once more. Not allowing a single demon to bring harm to the people within the ships. As Dynamis’ flame seemed to be close to extinguishing, it would ignite once more in a brilliant fashion, shouting into the heavens, and gathering all of his strength for one final charge. The man would toss his shield to the side, and gripping his spear with both hands, would charge forward, striking through the entirety of the blight’s forces like a lightning bolt. His final and desperate charge had brought the remaining ships enough time to escape. But in the end, nobody knows what came of him. Some say to this day that he is still there in Rhaenor, after all these years, bringing a battle to the blight. Some say he died that day, and his spirit lives with all those descendants of Rhaenor. However, one thing remains certain. His power of will on that day showed what mankind is capable of achieving if they set their mind and soul to it.``

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