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Nareen's Sea Creatures


The Endless Ocean

“The ocean is vast and incredibly scary. The amount of things we don’t know and will never know about it is incredible.” - A Marine Biologist speaking of his research. 

The ocean is a beautiful place that harbors hundreds of different life forms within it. Some benign and beautiful while others deadly and horrifying. Although there is a lot

that we yet don’t know of the ocean, in this codex I will attempt to classify all known sea creatures. My findings have come from both personal research at sea for years and from reports by sea nomad groups. Note that the information within this codex may not be entirely accurate as current research on sea creatures is limited and we do not possess the proper tools to further observe these forms of life.


Sunlight Creatures:


These creatures that inhabit the most visible layers of the ocean are the ones most commonly found by sailors and sea nomads. Creatures within this part of the ocean are mostly benign and sociable to land dwellers, though one should still act with caution for not all are as kind.



The most popular of sea creatures and sought after are Mermaids. Sea Nomads and Sailors alike see them as a symbol of luck and fortune. Unlike their counterparts, Mermaids generally aid boats that have gone adrift to reach land safely. They may also bring them treasures and other trinkets. Mermaids are beautiful creatures that resemble both human men and women. However, instead of legs, what lies below the body is a large fish tail. These creatures seem to enjoy companionship from land dwelling mortal races, often asking them for tales of their lands and affairs. Though they seem to have a keen interest in land dwellers, there has yet to be a record of a land dweller and a mermaid forming an intimate relationship. 

Mermaid lifespans can vary between each quite vastly due to different factors, but the median seems to be around 30-70 years, though there are reports of mermaids living up to the age of 100. 

It is also known that Mermaids have some degree of control over water magic, capable of changing even the tides of the water near the area. It is not known how the entire race obtained such proficiency in magic, but some believe that they could be the gateway to attaining mastery in water magic.



Sirens are the distant cousins of Mermaids. Though unlike them, they have been deeply corrupted and lost any sense of good within them. Sirens are quite possibly the newest of sea creatures to have emerged, reports of the first of their kind being told not long after the blight took over Rhaenor. It is believed (Although unconfirmed) that Sirens were once Mermaids, but were deeply corrupted by the blight, morphing them into the vile creatures they now are. Sirens resemble mermaids very closely, at least that’s what they aim for. Sirens, just like Mermaids are capable of controlling magic, though their magic being darker and used for nefarious purposes. Sirens use their dark magic to cast illusions over themselves and lure in unfortunate sailors with both their looks and voice. Should one hear the singing of a siren in their travels, it is advised that one cover their ears and leave the area immediately to avoid being mesmerized by them.

Those mesmerized by Sirens feel a strong pull to them, an inexplicable urge to be as close to said Siren as possible. To them, these Sirens look like gods and goddesses, yet it is when one gets close to them that their true nature is revealed. The illusion of beauty fades and instead an ugly and corroded face, filled with chunks of coral and blight, screeches with the most horrendous and ear-piercing sounds known to man. They then forcibly drag the unfortunate soul underwater and begin feasting on their flesh. It is most likely at this point that death will occur. However, should one be lucky enough to escape, your troubles do not end there, for anyone who is so much as scratched by a siren may contract a disease I decided to call The Merfolk Disease. I will go more in depth about this disease in a separate book, but know that contracting this disease is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


Lion Turtles:

Lion Turtles are quite possibly the only creature of it’s type in this codex. Categorized by their massive size, and a look that resembles what the child of a turtle and lion would look like (hence the name). The average Lion Turtle can be about as large as a small island. All Lion turtles (aside from a few exceptions) usually harbor an ecosystem on top of their shells. One may wonder how a creature of such magnitude could even sustain itself let alone a whole ecosystem, but the answer is pretty simple. It was found that Lion Turtles absorb nutrients from the roots of plants and other decomposed animals through the top of their shell, they also feed on entire schools of fish if the nutrient intake is not sufficient. Because of their reliance on their inhabitants, Lion Turtles tend to be very protective of their inhabitants, and rarely do they allow strangers onboard. This is especially true for mortal races, as their presence usually spells disaster for them. So far, there is only one civilization on record that lives on a Sea Turtle. They come once every couple of years to land to trade with others and share information on science and magic advancements. It is not yet known how Lion Turtles reproduce (If it all) but it is known that they can live for a very long time, some even suggest that Lion Turtles have been around since the beginning of time. 



Gritters are a type of fish that dwells in the sunlight region of our ocean, which closely resemble sharks. However, unlike the latter, Gritters have a sturdier physique and have longer fins. They also tend to double sharks in size. Although they are not as agile as sharks, they are best known for their incredible resilience and razor sharp teeth, many fishermen consider the hunting of a Gritter a hallmark for any aspiring fisherman to accomplish. These creatures are incredibly aggressive and have been known to purposefully collide against ships and other vessels in order to sink them or simply test their own strength.
Gritters have many purposes aside from being pretty trophies to display one’s skill. Many alchemists price their gills and fins for ingredients on potions and other chemical concoctions. 

Their meat is also considered a luxury, as contrary to what one may believe, Gritters make for quite the meal, being able to be turned into a variety of dishes. Some even use their teeth for weapon making. However, I advise  any fishermen reading this to be moderate in the practice of hunting Gritters. Their reproduction cycles are usually very slow and yield small amounts of critters and as such, the increased interest in hunting of Gritters has caused a massive hit to their population. 


Abyss Creatures:


The next group of sea creatures are those that live within the abyss of the ocean. It is named such for the lack of sunlight within the area they inhabit. With our current tools, it is practically impossible to explore such depths, yet we know of a few of their inhabitants from the rare times one decides to emerge from within the depths. The creatures that exist within this space are tough, aggressive and horrifying. It is almost like they come from a completely different realm of existence. I will say that the existence of some of the creatures I am going to talk about is highly contested as many do not believe that they exist due to the rarity in which these appearances are reported.


Sea Serpents:
Quite possibly the only creature in this list that actually has been confirmed to exist is the Sea Serpent. Known as one of the deadliest creatures to be found within the abyss, these creatures can reach an astonishing three hundred and sixty feet from head to tail. Their fins stretch throughout the entirety of their body which makes them surprisingly fast and agile. Their mouth is full of razor sharp teeth that could easily cut a person in half. They are also capable of storing water within its body and blasting it out at high speeds, not unlike a dragon when it breathes fire. Sea Serpents constantly seek out large prey in the ocean to fuel its own size, they are known as great enemies to Lion Turtles and other creatures of their magnitude. There has been no known case of any mortals successfully talking down a Sea Serpent, however, when such a day comes, surely that person’s name will go down in history.



The kings of sharks, these creatures of enormous magnitude far outscale the size of the second largest type of shark. Reaching an astonishing 50 meters in length, Megalodons are feared by all, and with good reason. They are ferocious and undoubtedly one of the apex predators of the abyss. Although Sea Serpents are far bigger than Megalodons, the combined strength of a megalodon’s bite force and their razor sharp teeth could surely tear through the Sea Serpent’s scaly armor. Some people, however, believe that Megalodons have gone extinct. There have been no recent confirmed sightings of a Megalodon within 100 years and the only proof we have of their existence is that of remains that rarely wash up on the shores. There are many unknown things about the Megalodon still, as we have little information to go by, maybe one day a Megalodon will emerge from within the abyss and this part of the codex will be completed. 


The Kraken:

I’m a bit hesitant to include The Kraken on this codex because of its controversy within the marine community. The creature’s existence is highly contested and many claim that it is simply a folktale told by veteran sailors and sea nomads to scare the younger and more naive members of their respective groups. However, I will still include the creature in here, as it also has not been proven to not exist, and evidence of its existence does have some merit.
First, the kraken is believed to be an Octopus of enormous size, the only of it’s kind at that, and one that matches the size even that of a Sea Serpent. It is said that when the water suddenly darkens around the area, it means that the Kraken is ready to attack its prey. They then proceed to wrap their many tentacles near the ship, and with sheer force, begin to crack the ship and sink it into the depths with it. There have been no known survivors of an “attack” by a Kraken, but remains of sunken ships leave marks of what could possibly have been The Kraken’s doing. 

There is particularly nothing known about the Kraken, aside from it’s incredible size. Maybe that’s a good thing too. Some things are better left as simple stories to pass the tim

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