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Order of the Ravens


Death is Assured

“Not for dinner, or else you’re a sinner. Never a guest, they’ll invite in the pest. Better underground, so build them a mound. Comfy in death, lay them to rest.” - Rhyme of the Ravens

The Order of Ravens is an order devoted to death. Yet not in a necromantic or evil way. Instead their order simply attempts to

make sure that burials are executed properly and every man, woman or child is allowed their proper last rights if able. They protect graveyards and any final resting places. They fight against the undead and anyone who wishes to bother or disturb the dearly departed.


They are not a religious order and so are open to any and all members from whatever race, creed and faith. They served all over the continent of Rhaenor. They can be recognized from their black attire, and iconic beak-like masks. Though they are not usually priests themselves they are usually very familiar with multiple races' customs of burials. They rarely have any concentrated facilities, however in larger cities near the graveyards they may house more members of their order. Yet this is not a very centralised and tiered order. It can be rather free as long as members are following their orders goals.

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