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House of Luminalis


Knowledge and Governance

"Guided by Lumen’s light”


House Luminalis, a noble family hailing from the County of Lockbow within the Diarchy of Diadri, stands as a shining example of zealous devotion to their religion and unwavering faith in the teachings of Lumen and Alya. For generations, they have been the staunch defenders of the Church of the Father and Mother, serving as the vanguard of faith in a land torn by turmoil and blighted by darkness.

From their ancestral estate, known as Sanctum Manor, nestled

amidst the rolling hills and verdant forests of Lockbow, House Luminalis has dedicated themselves to upholding the sanctity of the Church and championing the righteous cause. Their ancestral lands, blessed by the presence of the Church, serve as a spiritual sanctuary for the faithful and a beacon of hope in troubled times.


Led by the devout and resolute Lord Valerian Luminalis and his wife, Lady Seraphina Luminalis, the family has instilled their religious fervor into the very fabric of their household. Their children, Sir Turalyon Luminalis and Lady Isolde Luminalis, have been raised with an unwavering devotion to Lumen and Alya, their every action guided by the principles of righteousness and faith.


The Luminalis’ are known for their unwavering commitment to the Church, often seen leading processions, organizing grand religious ceremonies, and fervently spreading the teachings of the Father and Mother among the common folk. They have established close ties with the clergy, earning the trust and respect of the local priests and the Pontifax himself.


Within the walls of Sanctum Manor, a place of solemn beauty and religious reverence, the Luminalis engage in daily rituals and prayers, their halls adorned with sacred icons and intricate tapestries depicting scenes from religious lore. They host gatherings of the faithful, where scholars and theologians discuss matters of faith and philosophy, deepening their understanding of the Father and Mother's teachings.


The family's ancestral sword, known as the "Blade of Radiance," is a sacred relic passed down through generations. It is said to have been forged in the holy fires of Lumen's divine forge, imbued with the light of the Father. The Blade of Radiance is both a symbol of House Luminalis’ devotion and a formidable weapon in the hands of a righteous warrior. Only those deemed worthy by the family's spiritual council are allowed to wield it in the defense of the faith.


House Luminalis’ devotion to their religion extends beyond the boundaries of their estate. They actively participate in charitable works, providing aid and support to the less fortunate in the surrounding villages and towns. They are known to offer sanctuary to those seeking refuge from the blight, their gates open to those in need, regardless of their social standing or beliefs.


However, the blight that has descended upon the Diadri lands has tested the faith of House Luminalis. The darkness and suffering inflicted by the blight have challenged their unwavering devotion and led them to question the will of the divine. Yet, in the face of adversity, they remain resolute, believing that the blight is a test of their faith and an opportunity to demonstrate their unyielding commitment to the Father and Mother.


House Luminalis’ zealousness for their religion has earned them both admiration and scrutiny. Some view them as the stalwart defenders of righteousness and the embodiment of the Church's teachings, while others criticize their unwavering fanaticism and question the extent of their influence on the political affairs of the County of Lockbow and the Diarchy as a whole. Nonetheless, House Luminalis stands firm, ready to defend their faith and their people with unwavering determination.

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